The Best Homemade Eye Cream for Dark Circles

Are you suffering from dark under-eye circles and tired eyes?

Want to pamper your skin on the cheap?

Good news:

You can become an amateur aesthetician and whip up the best homemade eye cream for dark circles.

You can apply topical treatments for dark circles using everyday ingredients from your kitchen store cupboard. These ingredients can have a cooling effect on your skin, which helps to constrict blood capillaries and reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Here's how to beautify your eyes with a skin-smoothing treatment that is ultra-pampering and won’t break your budget.

Things You'll Need to Make Your Dark Undereye Circle Cream:

You can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles by mixing together a skin-soothing cream featuring carrot juice, sour cream and cottage cheese.

  • ½ tsp. of carrot juice
  • ½ cup of sour cream
  • Small plastic bowl
  • Plastic spoon
  • Glass jar with lid
  • Mild facial soap

What Causes Dark Undereye Skin and Puffy Circles?

Dark skin is commonly thought to be caused by a lack of sleep, but many factors contribute to under-eye issues.

Genetics are the biggest culprit. If you inherit fair or thin skin under the eyes, it’s more obvious when blood pools there (often because of slower circulation from lack of sleep). This accumulation causes fragile capillaries to stretch and leak.

Not enough beauty rest often results in dark baggage, but if you’re getting enough rest, it’s time to look at your life.

Lifestyle choices, including poor eating habits and too much stress, cause dark spots, as does overexposure to sun and wind.

Seasonal allergies are to blame for many people. They trigger the release of histamines in the body, which in turn inflame blood vessels and cause swelling. Allergies and stuffy noses contribute to dark circles and puffiness, as the veins in the nose swell with blood as the body attempts to knock out nasty invaders.

Dehydration is also a factor in puffiness because the body clings to falling water supplies and pouches are prevalent in the thin skin around the eyes.

Age is another factor. Over time, skin loses collagen and thins, so veins show through more prominently. Sunbathing speeds up this process by breaking down collagen and mottling skin color.

To determine why your circles happen, gently stretch the skin under your eyes. If that area becomes darker, the circles are probably due to genetics or aging. If the color doesn’t change, UV rays or allergies are probably the cause.

Homemade Eye Cream for Dark Circles Recipe:

  1. Combine the ingredients in a small plastic bowl.
  2. Use a plastic spoon to whip the cottage cheese, carrot juice, and sour cream into a creamy mixture. According to “Return to Beauty” author, Narine Nikogosian, “Sour cream and cottage cheese help to lighten dark under-eye circles.” (Narine is a celebrity facialist to the stars, whose book features recipes, made from fresh ingredients, that can be found right in your kitchen.)
  3. Scoop the mixture into a small glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. The eye cream will last for 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator.
  4. Wash your face with a mild facial soap, cleanse with warm water.
  5. Pat a few dots of the cream on the top of your upper eyelid and under the eye.
  6. Using your fingertips, lightly smooth the cream into your skin.
  7. Apply the cream to your eyes daily. Smooth on the cream in the evening before bedtime, and you’ll wake up in the morning refreshed and more beautiful.

Show your eyes some TLC and treat tired skin with natural eye cream to restore a youthful glow.

What ingredients help dark circles? Try these 4 eye-boosting ingredients in the recipes listed below.

Depuff your Eyes with Dairy

Dairy products, including milk and yogurt, are jam-packed with cultures and probiotics that soothe skin, evening out dark blotches, and plump up surrounding skin to reduce puffiness.

  1. Place a container of plain, unflavored yogurt in a piece of cheesecloth and suspend it over a bowl.
  2. Let it sit and drain overnight, and transfer the strained yogurt to a bowl.
  3. Stir a tablespoon of honey into the yogurt, and smear the cream around your eyes.
  4. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash it off with cool water.

Veggies to the Rescue

Cucumber slices have been used for years to soothe tired eyes, and combining them with avocado makes a powerful eye cream.

  1. Chop half a cucumber and a whole avocado and blend them together with 2 tablespoons of yogurt in a blender.
  2. Close your eyes and coat both upper and lower lids with a layer of cream.
  3. Lie back and relax for 30 minutes, letting the cream erase dark circles and reduce puffy skin.
  4. Wipe the cream off gently with a cold, wet cloth and pat dry.

Got Sensitive Skin? Oil Up Under the Eye Area

Egyptian women are noted for their beauty and grace, and they were fond of using natural oils to smooth dark, puffy skin.

Almond oil was particularly popular and is still used today to eradicate dark circles under the eye.

  1. Add a drop or two of almond oil to a cotton swab and rub it under the eye from the inner bottom corner to the outer lash line.
  2. Put on the oil after you’ve washed your face, and give it some time to soak in before you put on makeup.


Need a cheap and effective, DIY, dark circle remedy to cure your dark under eyes? You can apply topical treatments for dark circles using everyday ingredients from your kitchen cupboard. These inexpensive ingredients can have a cooling effect upon your skin, which helps to constrict blood capillaries and may reduce the appearance of dark circles.