Why Weight Loss is Important to Self-Improvement & Stress Relief (And How to Fix It)

Self-improvement encompasses nearly every avenue of your life, from becoming more physically healthy, to improving your mental and psychological health. But if comfort food is your go-to fix for dealing with life's disappointing and overwhelming moments, you may want to switch gears and consider your weight.

That's because eating high-fat foods when your frazzled can lead to more weight gain and overeating.

And if you're currently overweight, obesity not only puts your joints, heart, and lungs in danger, but it can affect your emotional state as well.

Here are some reasons why weight loss is so important to your health and peace of mind.

1It Improves Your Physical Health

First of all, your body will thank you for losing weight. Not only will you no longer be obese if you stick to your weight loss routine, but you will notice other benefits.

For example, you will notice that your joint pain and backaches have improved, as these conditions are often from carrying around extra weight.

Maintaining a healthy weight range is also good for reducing your risk for diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

2You Will Have Better Self-Esteem

Losing weight can also improve your mental health by giving you more confidence and increasing your self-esteem. The way you think about yourself is more important than you might imagine.

With self-confidence, you feel more comfortable continuing with your self-improvement goals, which can help you stay motivated and focused.

3It Provides You With More Energy and Motivation

When you start losing weight, exercise is often included in that. As you begin working out more often, the endorphins kick in, and your happiness and energy are peaked.

It might seem like you would be more tired after exercising, but it actually kick starts your metabolism and gives you a nice boost in energy.

You can benefit from exercising at any time of the day, though you might like the extra energy boost after exercising in the morning.

4You Can Have Achievable Goals

If you are struggling with meeting your expectations while trying to work on personal development, you might find that losing weight gives you achievable goals.

You start feeling more motivated with every pound or inch lost. Even without these results, you can set other goals during the weight loss process, such as a goal of drinking more water, starting a fitness routine, or adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet.diet weight loss stress relief

5But Don't Use the Word ‘Diet’

You might be someone who experiences heightened anxiety and stress due to being on a diet. This can be hard for some people, due to the disappointments, self-doubt, and feeling like you are doing without.

Not only that, eating better is an excellent way to be healthier while also helping to relieve anxiety.

6Take Your Time Making Healthy Changes

If your main goal is to relieve stress, start with changing your diet slowly or practicing breathing exercises. The way you eat is important in battling anxiety and reducing the common anxiety triggers.
But, you don't need to do every single thing that is meant to help anxiety all at the same time. While you are trying to avoid stimulants, such as foods with sugar in them, you should start eating healthy. This means adding more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean protein.

7Skip the Scale

However, if you are trying to lose weight and eat healthy at the same time, your anxiety might get spiked from the difficulty of losing weight. If this happens, try removing the word ‘diet’ completely. Instead, re-focus your mind to simply being healthy.

Focus on foods that will add more vitamins and minerals to your daily eating regimen. When you stop weighing yourself on the scale and instead make small dietary changes, it makes a drastic difference in how you feel during the process of self-improvement.

8Foods that Help Reduce Anxiety

There are some foods that can help you relieve your anxiety due to their nutrients. Try to include the following foods in your daily meals:

  • Water
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Turkey and other foods with tryptophan
  • Fish
  • Flaxseed
  • Vitamin B foods, like beef and pork

9Weight Loss Helps You Partner Up With Friends

Starting a weight loss routine can also help you get support from friends and family.

If you have felt distant or have experienced loneliness or self-isolation from your loved ones this year, this is the perfect opportunity to re-connect and support each other through your weight loss journeys.

Buddy up with someone to go on walks or meet each other at the gym; log your calories together with a weight loss app, or use social media to share your successes.

10 How a Therapist Can Help You Manage Your Stress During Weight Loss

Losing weight isn't just challenging, it's difficult. While everyone's weight loss journey has different levels and sources of stress, it doesn’t mean that your struggles aren't severe enough for professional help.

The good news? You don't have to do it alone. In fact, there are many ways a BetterHelp therapist can help you create a plan to manage stress  as you lose weight.

Therapists can also help your with your general stress needs, whether you are having a hard time as an empty nester, you are struggling with a new career choice in the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, or you have more serious problems that are causing your stress and anxiety.

Photo by Thought Catalog